Grapefruit Juice Benefits

Grapefruit juice is prepared from Grapefruit. It is a tropical and subtropical fruit and grown almost all over the world. But the fruit mainly originates from the Caribbean region especially Barbados.

Grapefruit juice benefits

There are mainly three types of grapefruit juice available in the market. They are- white, pink and ruby red grapefruit juice. This juice is full of different vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that is important for proper development and functioning of human body. Per 100g of pink grapefruit juice contain about 39 calories of energy, 9g of Carbohydrate, 0.5g of Protein and very low amount of fat (0.1g). Besides, it contain Vitamin (A,B,C,E), Minerals ( Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, Iron etc) and antioxidants (Beta carotene, Lycopene, Flavanones, Ascorbic acid and furanocoumarin).

Grapefruit juice benefits

Besides of problems with some drugs, this juice helps to improve our health. Benefits of eating grapefruit juice are given below-

Health benefits of Grapefruit Juice:    

1. Low in calories: Grapefruit juice is a low calory drinks. But it is rich nutrients. Thus, it helps to reduce body weight and prevent obesity.

2. Prevent Cancer: Different antioxidants including- Beta carotene, Ascorbic acid, Lycopene, furanocoumarin, Flavanones etc that helps you to prevent cancer.

3. May improve heart health: Study suggests that eating grapefruit and its juice helps to lowers blood pressure and also improves HDL (High Density Lipoprotein). This juice is also contain good amount of potassium that is helpful for heart health.

4. May boost your immune system : Grapefruit juice contain Vitamin C and antioxidants that works against seasonal flu, cough and may boost your immune system.

5. Prevent inflammation: Antioxidants in this juice prevent inflammation and other inflammatory diseases.

6. May prevent kidney stone: You may know kidney stone is formed from mainly calcium in human body. Organic acids in grapefruit juice may help to prevent the aggregation of calcium and formation of stone.

7. Improve eyesight: Vitamin A in grapefruit juice may help to improve your eyesight.

8. Better skin and skincare: Some study informs, grapefruit juice helps collagen formation and antioxidants in this juice destroys free-radical and givea you a better skin.

In contrast, grapefruit juice is a nutritious and delicious drink and it gives you a better health. 


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